giovedì 9 luglio 2009

Democracy is in Danger In Italy

Dear Visitors you might be reading this post because you are curious to know more about the status of the Italian Democracy after you read a fuzzy Italian man who triggered an alarm by publishing an advertisement Today on the Herald Tribune. This guy is right. Absolutely right. Completely right.
He is actually an authentic risk for the Italian Democracy, having him all the peculiar behaviors of a (aspiring ) South American dictator. His name is Antonio Di Pietro also know as Tonino ( a nick name often given to the weirdos in Italy). I would be really scared for my country if this guy would ever see a significant success at the political elections with his self made (or should I say “self brewed”?) party. The guys doesn’t believe at all at the democracy values and he has in his past (and in his family as well) a row of acts who are really at the border of the legality. When he was a judge he was charged for getting bribes. His son was recently accused for the same offense. His party carries his name and the whole party has as board of directors made by him, his wife and his son. He’s an ultra right wing man extremely conservator (a true misogynist) but for his bad politics convenience he stays with the left wing. Uhm does it sound familiar? it remembers me another self made man we had in Italy in the past , he was of the ultra right wing nationalist but he claimed himself as socialist..what was his name? Mussolini..right

Scusate lo sfogo, ma questa macchietta molisana che pubblica una pagina da coatto su un giornale internazionale, meritava un post in cui si contestualizzasse l'individuo. Qui non si tratta di difendere Berlusconi. Ma E’ il caso che qualcuno cominci a preoccuparsi di ‘sto contadino. E voi gente di sinistra lo appoggiate uno cosi’? Non vi rendete conto dei valori fascisti che porta avanti? Nessun pensava nel ‘900 che un maestrino con idee balenghe fosse poi tanto pericoloso.

Voster semper Voster

4 commenti:

  1. "When he was a judge he was charged for getting bribes"

    He's been acquitted, man. Wake up!

  2. mamma mia quanto hai ragione!!!
    e delle foto che lo ritraggono con Contrada pubblicate in queste giorni dal corriere della sera che ne pensi?..bhe beato te che te ne stai lì, perchè qui non se regge più!
    saluti da Roma

  3. Monica
    penso che per fortuna il Nostro e' un ladro di polli.
    Diciamo un Mussolini con meno talento (per fortuna) e piu' interessato alle sue tasche

  4. Parole sante. Le condivido al 100%, anzi al 95% vista la padronanza che ho dell'inglese.
    Comunque si tratta di un personaggio davvero penoso.
    Complimenti, il blog è molto interessante.
    Il mio sogno è quello di vivere negli Usa,anche se difficilmente si potrà realizzare.
    Ps: se non ho capito male sei di Bresso. Io sono di Bruzzano. Ciao e grazie.


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